Melbourne Cup Day
Look who's turned up for Race Day 🏆🏆 And what else would you even think of wearing...it has to be a pancake 👒👒 #melbournecupday...

Halloween Specials
👻 HAPPY HALLOWEEEEEEEEEEENN 👻 Scary Spider and Freaky Franken! 3:) 3:) 3:) *Kids specials only, LAST DAY TODAY! #halloween...

Happy Father's Day
Happy Dad's Day to all the amazing fathers today! 😎 You're the bee's knees! 🐝 #pancakemanor #fathersday #aussiesunrise...

Bastille Day
🇫🇷 Bonjour! 🇫🇷 Given our extensive crepe menu, it is only right to acknowledge the big day today that is Bastille Day! 🍞🍞 Get your...

World Chocolate Day
🍫🍫 oooh yeeessss! WORLD CHOCOLATE DAY is a thing, and IT'S TODAY! 🍫🍫 it never hurts to have another excuse to eat chocolate, does...

Happy 4th of July!
🇺🇸 4th of July! 🇺🇸 Thinking of all our North American friends today! 🍔🎉 #independenceday #independencedayresurgence#pancakemano...

Cinco De Mayo
💃 Yahayy! It's CINCO DE MAYO Day! 🌵 Get your sombrero and your dancing shoes on! 🌵 #cincodemayo #nachos #itsalmostmexican...

St Patrick's Day
HAPPY SAINT PATRICK'S DAY!!! May the luck of the Irish be with ye all day! Stay green you little leprechauns ;) #pancakemanor #stpaddys...

HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY We hope that everyone is enjoying themselves today, doing all things Australian - like bacon, egg and pineapple on...

Shrove Tuesday Celebrations
IT'S ON AGAIN!!! Who thinks they can take on the record of 29 pancakes, set by Col The Conqueror in 2015?! Sign up today!!!! *see website...